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How you can Server-Render without Rendering on the Server

Our goal is to deliver high-quality experiences as quickly as possible. What if you want to change the UI immediately, without even waiting for an OTA update? There is a simple technique that is under-explored in our community: React Server-Defined Components (RSDC). We are introducing a new library to accelerate your implementation of RSDC. It’s time to explore the applications of this technique: we can control large-scale art installations, build industry-ready media streaming apps, and deliver mini-apps without writing any client code at all!

Mike Grabowski

Developer Experience is my passion. React Native Core Contributor. In the past, I worked on “react-native link”, “auto-linking” and the CLI. When not coding, I am probably on a race track!

Eric Vicenti
Seed Hypermedia
Seed Hypermedia

Creator of React Navigation, and formerly on the React Native team at Facebook, Eric Vicenti is dedicated to simplifying full-stack app development for our community.

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